
管理引导管理面板 by BootstrapGallery

管理-一个美丽和独特风格的管理面板是一个圆滑和专业的主题,专门为CRM设计, 管理面板, 以及后端接口.
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Bootstrap管理模板是为现有网站管理面板设计的模型,使其在视觉上具有吸引力,易于操作. Choose the appealing design using live preview and improve your 管理仪表板 look.

当建立一个全新的网站, the tendency is to think more about the front-end part of the project. Still, 即使你不是从零开始创建一个网站, 而是对现有的进行改造, 您还应该关注后端. 你需要的是一个一流的和功能丰富的管理面板. 注意, though, 这个选择中的引导主题将只适合一个已经存在的仪表板的网站. In case you don’t have one, you won’t make any use of these themes!

The website administration part should be easy to use and pleasing to the eyes as well. This is why, there are plenty of HTML dashboard templates online. 基本上,管理仪表板模板是管理面板界面的一组设计元素. So, if you’re looking for solid dashboard themes, you’ve come to the right place!

Most of the modern 管理仪表板 designs are based on the 引导3 framework. It is a convenient use and easy-to-modify mobile-first framework. Besides, it comes packed with numerous widgets and extra components. 它在不同的屏幕尺寸和分辨率上都能很好地呈现, so your Bootstrap dashboard template will always look consistent and clean.

这个集合中的每个Bootstrap仪表板主题都可以用作您网站管理面板的现成解决方案. All dashboard themes have clean, valid, and well-structured code. Speaking of extra functionality, there are a few things to point out. 例如,一些Bootstrap仪表板示例具有设计精美的分析小部件. 许多仪表板示例都集成了丰富了自定义元素和小部件的“管理表单”. Besides, 根据所选择的仪表板框架,可以有各种菜单类型和额外的页面布局可供选择.

这些响应Bootstrap管理模板有专业的设计,以适应现实生活中的项目. 它们与所有现代网络浏览器兼容. 顶级的插件将确保快速和头痛的安装和定制您的仪表板主题. 至于“On-Off”变量, they allow using only needed elements as well as reducing the file size.

Please mind, these great 管理模板s are HTML/jQuery user interface kits. 包中没有包含PHP文件. And, 如果你对web开发的知识有限, we’d recommend you use the services of a professional web designer. 如果您在安装过程中遇到任何问题, customizing or using these Bootstrap themes for the 管理面板, 不要惊慌! Templateog体育首页’s professional free 24/7 tech support will back you up! 这些人会帮你处理手头的任何问题.



Using Bootstrap dashboard templates is easy, even if you are not a web development expert. The following steps will guide you on how to edit, install and customize them:


首先,下载选定的Bootstrap仪表板模板并在计算机上解压缩该包. 然后,您可以使用任何代码编辑器(如Sublime Text或notepad++)编辑HTML和CSS文件. You can also use a visual editor like Dreamweaver or Pinegrow to edit the template.


安装Bootstrap仪表板模板, you need to upload the files to your website's server using an FTP client like FileZilla. 一旦文件上传, 你可以使用模板文档中指定的URL访问你网站的管理面板.


定制一个Bootstrap仪表板模板是一个伟大的方式,使其独特的网站的需求. 大多数模板都带有结构良好且带有注释的代码, making it easy to modify the template's design and functionality. 您可以通过编辑HTML来定制模板, CSS, 模板包中包含的JavaScript文件.


编辑Bootstrap仪表板模板很简单, 即使你没有web开发的经验. 模板的文件以逻辑方式组织, 使查找和修改特定元素变得容易. 您可以使用简单的文本编辑器(如Notepad)或更高级的编辑器(如adobedreamweaver)编辑模板.


Stay up to date with the hottest 管理仪表板 design trends of this year! 我们制作了一个信息丰富的视频,介绍了吸引每个人注意力的字体、样式和形式.



使用HTML5和CSS3构建, 此类别中的每个模板都具有语义精确, 干净有效的代码. 它将保护您的网站免受超载,并在不同的网络环境中最大化其加载时间.


我们收集的所有管理模板在所有现代web浏览器中都能很好地运行. It means you can keep using your 管理面板 in the browser you are comfortable with, 不管是Mozilla, Opera, IE, Chrome或任何其他现代替代品.


Change styles of these 管理模板s by simply pointing and clicking. A built-in theme options panel allows you to switch between different header, 侧边栏和布局样式与一个单一的点击.


These 管理模板s utilize rich functionality of 引导3. 基于响应式网格, 这个灵活的框架允许您访问SASS文件, CSS组件和JavaScript函数.


Extend your current CSS properties by incorporating LESS components into your site. 这些Bootstrap管理模板通过mixins为更广泛的个性化提供了坚实的基础, variables, 函数和其他技术.

Admin Tools

The templates featured in this category come with admin tools of different kinds, 尤其是插件, 表单和布局. 在他们的帮助下, 你将有很多的功能在手,使您的网站管理的大部分.


Do I need to have programming experience to use a Bootstrap dashboard template?

No, you don't need programming experience to use a Bootstrap dashboard template. However, some knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript can be helpful when customizing them. Please mind that the template only contains the design, without the backend part.


Yes, most Bootstrap dashboard templates are mobile-friendly and responsive. This means that they can adapt to different screen sizes and resolutions, 确保你的管理面板在任何设备上看起来都很棒.


Yes, you can use them with any CMS that supports HTML templates. However, some customization may be required to integrate the template with your CMS.

Can I get support if I encounter any issues while using a Bootstrap dashboard template?
